21-Day Somatic Healing Journey

Rediscover your ancient roots + rituals for modern wellbeing.

  • Go on a 21-day journey of self discovery, healing + empowerment

  • Develope a sacred relationship with plant medicine + your body

  • Learn somatic tools + get full support to integrate your experiences

  • Experience the healing power of plant medicine in daily ritual + ceremony

  • Build greater awareness + connection to your mind, body, emotions + spirit

  • Be a part of our safe + supportive community of like-minded women

Daily practices that cultivate deep healing, connection + wisdom

The benefits of a 21-day journey can be life-changing. Allowing our lives to recenter around practices of inner wisdom, mother earth + somatic healing are beautiful gifts for us to remember + reconnect with. The 21-day journey is designed to include working with plant medicine.

Powerful healing + integration happens in connected community

‍As humans our embodiment is shaped through our relationships with others. Therefore, in order to truly heal many of our deepest wounds, we will greatly benefit from being in a like-minded community that offers a shared sense of safety, security + support. Community on the 21-day journey is key to understanding our experiences + learning how to integrate somatic wisdom into our everyday lives.

Somatic Integration

with Mode Founder, Caroline Watters

Caroline has been a dedicated teacher in mind-body medicine + the healing arts for almost 15 years. She has studied extensively in energy medicine, shamanic practices, somatic healing, meditation and trauma-informed psychotherapy approaches. Caroline is passionate about women learning to heal through the power of working with plant medicine.


Everything you need to heal.

Women have been disconnected from their bodies, separated from their ancient healing wisdom, + removed from ritual practices for too long. Now more than ever, the need for community, ceremony, connection, + plant medicine has become essential for our evolution + wellbeing.

Cacao Daily Ritual + Somatic Integration

'The food of the gods' has been used for healing in sacred ceremony throughout ancient civilizations

You will receive detailed information on the history, preparation, use, health benefits + ceremonial practice of working with Cacao. Each community call you will be invited to bring a cup of cacao to assist in your somatic integration work. Daily use of cacao opens heart connection, improves cognitive function, boosts immune system, supports cardiovascular system, protects against chronic disease, supports the gut, boosts mood, enhances performance, improves sleep ... the list is endless. All plant medicine supplies are purchased separately by participants.

Somatic Meditation

We need to feel it in order to heal it.

Somatic meditation for plant medicine is a body-oriented approach that brings compassionate awareness + understanding to our physical, mental, emotional + spiritual experiences, helping us to process unresolved emotions, sensations + feelings. Using somatic (body based) integration practices to enhance the stages of the plant medicine journey: from preparation, into the plant medicine experience, and into post-journey is a necessary way to ground + enhance the teachings provided by the plant medicines.

Sacred Space

The importance of set + setting

Preparing a calm, welcoming, + comfortable environment is a widely adopted “best practice” for plant medicine + we encourage you to create a sacred space for yourself to visit each day. This can be as simple as changing into your favourite pair of cozy pajamas to meditate, relaxing into a nook on your couch with your journal, or slipping on a pair of headphones with a HEAL plant medicine soundtrack on your hike that has been lovingly curated for you.

Music Playlists

Music is the expression of the soul.

From the Icaros sung during Ayahuasca ceremonies to the musical components of the mushroom rituals of the Mazatec Indians or the ibogaine rite of passage in Western Africa, music is acknowledged as playing a critical role in healing. Across cultures and time, the combination of music and psychoactive substances has been used to encourage emotional catharsis and promote personal growth.