Reiki Level 1 + 2 Online Training Program

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    • Welcome to the Reiki Level 1+2 Certification Program

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    The history of Usui Shiki Ryoho

    • What is Reiki?

    • A Brief Overview of Mikao Usui + The History of Usui Reiki

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    Energy Healing

    • Energy Healing

    • Emotional Sources of Dis-ease

    • Mind-Body Connection Exercise

    • The Treatment Experience

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    Reiki Attunements & Spirit Guides

    • Reiki Attunement Overview

    • Spirit Guides

    • Connecting with Your Reiki Guides

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    Reiki Level 2 Symbols

    • Reiki Level 2 Symbol Overview

    • Exercise: Practice Drawing Your Level 2 Symbols

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    Hand Positions + Treatments

    • Reiki Self Treatment

    • Full Traditional Reiki Treatment (using Level 2 symbols)

    • Mental/Emotional Treatment

    • Habit Treatment

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    Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques

    • Gassho 'Prayer Position' Technique

    • Byosen Scan 'Body Scan' Technique

    • Kenyoku 'Dry Bathing' Technique

    • Auric Seal Technique

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    Chakras & Working with Energy

    • Working With Your Energy Centres

    • Which Chakra Are You Working With?

    • Balancing Your Chakras

    • Clearing, Releasing & Balancing Your Energy

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    Developing, Listening + Trusting Your Intuition

    • Discovering Your Intuitive Language

    • The Language of Your Intuition

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    BONUS: Shamanic Journey

    • Shamanic Journey

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    Reiki for Plants, Food & Animals

    • Reiki for Animals, Plants + Food Overview

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    Client Intake Forms + Canadian Reiki Association

    • Sample Client Intake Form

    • Canadian Reiki Association Information

    • Reiki Disclaimer

    • Reiki Resources